Senior English class giving students a firm firm foundation in critical analysis & perspective taking

English IV

Here’s the standard stuff….

Class Description

As humans, we live story. Literature helps in our understanding of life and human nature, teaching us how to respond to challenges. By studying different genres, periods, and cultures through literary texts, we learn to read the world. The purpose of English IV is to give you the skills you need when you step foot outside into the world. Skills like reading and writing well are needed in every avenue of life, and we communicate based on the situations we are in. This class will give you a firm foundation in critical analysis & perspective taking, teaching you to apply it to your everyday life.

What we’ll read

  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Young adult literature of your choice
  • Children’s literature of your choice
  • Selected Short Stories, Poems, Essays, and Nonfiction Articles

In this course you’ll:

• Read a variety of fiction, nonfiction, & choice novels helping you develop critical analysis skills
• Study literary theory & critical lenses, teaching you how to read the world.
• Develop everyday writing skills directed at various audiences, learning to write authentically & with purpose.
• Read, discuss, & respond to literature in a number of different ways
• Learn to become a positive digital citizen by frequently utilizing digital sources & engaging in digital media


But for more of the fun stuff, check out our student blogs