Hello again! I’m back for day 3 of the Ethical ELA writing challenge! And can I just say, I am really enjoying writing these poems.

If you missed my first post this week and want to know what the challenge is about, find it all here!

Then, if you’re a fellow educator who writes, there’s still time to join in. You’ll find all the inspiration for day 3 on Sarah’s blog

As for students, read today’s poem, then drop yours in the comments. The prompt is this: write a poem painting a picture of your childhood. For a little help, check out some of the poems from the I am Project or use this template to build it! 



I am from the tiny sunporch turned teen bedroom hideaway,
from too much wood paneling and peach kitchen cabinents.
I am from the gray stucco corner house,
yard bursting with all of Pinzon Street’s leaves every autumn.
I am from the Irises that bloomed and apple tree that withered.

I am from early Christmas mornings waking first, then tip-toeing to brother’s bed while
blocking my own view of the bulging stockings, and
sugar cookies that melt-in-your-mouth every December.
I am from loud conversations filling Grandma’s house for every holiday we can gather.
I am from TGIF nights, “God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for this food,” and wooden spoons that weren’t always for stirring.

I am from “there’s no such thing as boredom,” and “say your prayers every night,”
and you are my sunshine even when the world is dark.
I am from dinner at the kitchen table, every night, always. Mom, Matt, Dad, Me,
a spotted pup click clacking on the tiles until someone silently sneaks her a piece.
I am from the Cola Wars, a product of peace. Clan Boyd and the Shire,
rhubarb roll full of summer gatherings and snickerdoodles that, despite being
a magazine recipe, still hold a secret ingredient no one can uncover.

I am from Shanghai around the table with a Dot who swore up and down we were holding cards,
when sometimes they just fell to the floor.
I am from glass jars of marbles, the Downy bear, a deer named Rupert who wore jingle bells around his antlers every Christmas,
and a sandbox that won every time I had to pick up leaves.

I am from love.

Happy Writing!

-Ms. Lore

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August day 3 || Ethical ELA 5-day writing challenge
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